Aiden Fiveson and Travis Sanders, Authors
The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization that contains anomalous objects. Anything that's titled SCP-[ number or letter combination] (i.e: SCP-8800, SCP-[Blank], etc.) is the foundation's database archives, whereas everything else (i.e: warzone shadows of revival, glimmering lights, etc.) is a compilation of events created by T-Net (an A.I. designed by T-Bomber; that gets brought through in the lit fuse arc.) This is the start of the series.
To learn more, watch this interview with the co-author, Aiden Fiveson
[Ah, we meet again. So, you seek answers as to what happened in my last collection of Researcher Shrapnel’s archives? Let’s talk about it.
Parliament mentioned something called a sheut last time. What is that? Well, according to the limited resources I can access, in ancient Egyptian mythology, the shadow (or the sheut) was like a backup copy of the soul. If someone’s soul was destroyed, the shadow remained, and allowed for the person’s soul to be brought back. Parliament and Perception do not have shadows, but their true forms do. So, if Researcher Shrapnel got hold of their shadows, then he could get rid of their souls without worrying about the possibility of them getting rebooted.
How exactly did T-Bomber know what was happening with their true form? Well, I don’t want to spoil it, but let’s just say that T-Bomber isn’t… human. But where were we? Ah yes, Shrapnel flying to the Epicentre in order to fight Parliament and Perception, not knowing about the sheut thing. Anyways, bye!]
Object Class: Urgent reclassification required.
Disruption Class: Urgent reclassification required.
Risk Class: Urgent reclassification required.
Special Containment Procedures: No longer contained. All Foundation resources should be concentrated on recontainment of SCP-8800 at the highest priority.
Description: SCP-8800-1 is a standard RYOBI RY 5020 20 in. 50 cc 2-Cycle Gas Chainsaw. However, when there is gas in it and it is revved up, its chain moves roughly at the speed of light. When SCP-8800-1 is placed down onto a flat surface, if it is still revved up, SCP-8800-2 appears, by coming out of SCP-8800-1’s gasoline hole. SCP-8800-2 is a 6’ man, made entirely of smoke. SCP-8800-2 then picks up SCP-8800-1, despite his construct, and charges any living creature nearby with SCP-8800-1 until its chain stops, at which point SCP-8800-2 demanifests, and SCP-8800-1 drops to the ground.
Incident 8800-T: MTF Commander T-Bomber entered SCP-8800’s containment chamber at 10:54 P.M. on August 20 during a containment breach of SCP-682. He fills up SCP-8800-1 at the gasoline chamber with rocket fuel, which he then lights on fire, causing a huge burst of flame to come out of the gasoline hole. He starts up SCP-8800-1, and charges out of the room. After 682 was reported recontained, T-Bomber came back into SCP-8800’s containment chamber, the chains still going. He placed SCP-8800-1 on the pedestal, while still running. Sure enough, SCP-8800-2 emerges from the gasoline hole, and slices T-Bomber clean in half. T-Bomber was later given mechanical spider legs to continue his work, and MTF Alpha-5 “Gods of Giza '' was deployed. Once again, all members died in combat, except Commander Anubis. The efforts of MTF Gods of Giza helped slow down SCP-8800-2, but they weren’t enough. Currently, SCP-8800 is roaming the forest of South Carolina. All Foundation resources should be concentrated on recontainment of SCP-8800 at the highest priority.
Item #: SCP-8900
Object Class: See Containment Procedures/Hera
Special Containment Procedures: The forest’s entrance is Safe, however, due to the nature of the Domestics and the Keepaway Tribe, the O5 Council is thinking of reclassifying it to Keter.The neighbourhood of Florida has been bought out by the Foundation, with all residents either becoming employees for the Foundation or terminated, with a few exceptions. The homes have been interconnected and the area has been renamed Site thus the Hera class. Nobody is allowed near the Keepaway Tribe without wearing a wire directly connected to Foundation radios.
Description: SCP-8900-1 is a pedestal located in a neighbourhood in Florida. When a person steps on the pedestal and says “Dilata Silvae!”, they are anomalously transported to SCP-8900-2, or the Wildforest as some call it. SCP-8900-3, the designation given to the Domestics AND the Ground, are hostile entities that attempt to kill you if you enter. As MTF Commander Anubis once said:
“Everything in this place is out to kill you. If you must enter, bring heavy artillery… and soap.”
The Domestics are animals that look like domestic, safe animals, but act like their wild counterparts. For instance, a cat that acts like (and has the power of) a tiger, a dog with the power of a wolf, etc. The Ground spews up vines that latch to your feet, and drag you into it. The only way to keep the vines off of you is by rubbing soap on your ankles. The soap to the vines is like hydrochloric acid to us humans, making them dissolve. SCP-8900-4, the Trees that Strangle, are the trees of the forest. They come to life on the summer solstice, once a year. During that time, they strangle anything they come across, and absorb their blood. See Addendum for more info. The only way out of the forest is by using the same pedestal, and saying “Redigendum Silvae!”. The O5 Council is thinking of giving the Keepaway Tribe the designation SCP-8900-5, as they have grown to learn Zulu and how to fight, cook, and live, presumably by anomalous means.
Addendum: Discovered by MTF Commander Anubis, who was once a resident. When he saw the pedestal with the inscription on them, he instinctively stood on the pedestal, and read the inscription. After 5 days, he returned, F.U.B.A.R. He says he knew a bit of Latin, such as Dilata and Redigendum. After 4 weeks of rehabilitation, he returned to normal duties. The Keepaway Tribe is the self-designation of the children (now adults) that lived in the neighborhood. The children were used as test subjects of the forest by the Foundation. The Trees were discovered when a story from Tribe Leader Isigcilikisha was overheard by Researcher Shrapnel. The dialogue between the Tribe and the Researcher was translated from Zulu to English:
Isigcilikisha: …and I saw the trees strangling a Geckosaur, sapping the colour from it…
Inyoka: How did you get away?
Isigcilikisha: That’s the funny part… I didn’t.
Inyoka: What do you mean?
Isigcilikisha: The Solstice ended right as my life was being drained… I got away on forfeit.
Inyoka: How have I not heard this?
Isigcilikisha: I hid you from them. I wanted to get meat for dinner, and well… the trees-
Shrapnel: Jesus Christ, Anubis was right!
Isigcilikisha: Who is there?
T-Bomber: Have you located the soap yet?
Shrapnel: NOT A GOOD TIME!
The sound of stabbed flesh could be heard. After 5 minutes of radio silence, Isigcilikisha came on the radio.
Isigcilikisha: This is a warning to the SCP Foundation. We have been making progress on our return home. If you wish to continue operations, leave our homes alone. If you do not do so, when we return home, we shall sacrifice your most valuable researcher… what was the name again? Dr. Bright?
The radio went out. Dr. Bright was given Class A security for 2 weeks before the Foundation realised this was a bluff, at which point he was returned to normal duties.
Item #: Wildforest.
Clearance Required: None.
Object Class: Apollyon/Inevitabilis
Special Containment Procedures: We have gained access to the document. You didn’t heed our warning, so now, you will pay for it.
We will release the domestics.
We will take the Bright person.
And you will regret taking our homes.
Description: SCP-8900-1 is the evil entrance AND holy exit from SCP-8900-2, or the Wildforest as we call it. SCP-8900-3, the designation given to the Domestics AND the Ground, are hostile entities that attempt to kill you if you enter. As one of the evil men once said:
“Everything in this place is out to kill you. If you must enter, bring heavy artillery… and soap.”
The Domestics are animals that look like domestic, safe animals, but looks can be deceptive.
The Ground spews up vines that latch to your feet, and drag you into it. The only way to keep the vines off of you is by rubbing soap on your ankles. The soap to the vines is like hydrochloric acid to us humans, making them dissolve. SCP-8900-4, the Trees that Strangle, are the demons of the forest. They come to life on the summer solstice, once a year. During that time, they strangle anything they come across, and absorb their blood. The only way out of the forest is by using the same pedestal, and saying “Redigendum Silvae!”. …good to know. The O5 Council is thinking of giving us the designation SCP-8900-5, as we have grown to learn Zulu and how to fight, cook, and live, by reading dropped documents in the forest. For more information on the Forest, go there yourself.
Addendum: You have made a grave mistake by adding the exit phrase to the document.
Folks at the Foundation, this is…
…the beginning of the end.
NOTE: As long as I'm here, breathing on this green earth (whichever one it is doesn't matter), you will not end the world. The Foundation isn't known for being necessarily cruel, but I am. At least, I'm cruel to those who want to destroy the world.
Aiden Fiveson, co-author of Shadows and Silvae, is a freshman at St. Lucie West Centennial High School who created the series about two years ago until it started to gain traction with his friends recently. He is 14 years old and comes from Palm Beach.